The Santa Fe Branch was founded in 1933, the fourth branch in the state of New Mexico. We celebrated our 75th anniversary in 2008. Through the years, the Santa Fe Branch has been very active in promoting equity for women through education and active lobbying in the State Legislature. Members participate in AAUW Lobby Day at the State Legislature every year. In the 1930′ the Branch worked to pass the Child Labor Amendment. In the 1940′ and early 1950’s we worked on getting qualified women into state government. In 1969 Santa Fe Branch worked to establish the Senior Center in Santa Fe. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the Branch owned a home that was used for meetings and events and was also rented out to other groups. In the late 1980’s the house was sold. The money earned from the sale was used to establish an endowment fund with the University of New Mexico (UNM) that provides a yearly scholarship for a UNM woman graduate student living in Santa Fe County.
The Santa Fe Branch has had an ongoing commitment to the public schools. In the 1990’s the Santa Fe Branch was very active in supporting education for women and girls and in 1997 spearheaded a Schoolgirls Symposium. Over 20 community organizations participated in the Symposium. The Careers and Curiosity program began in the 1990’s. This is a program put on in various public elementary schools that introduces children to careers from archeology to zoology. Most of the presenters are women. This program continues to this day. In 2009 we adopted the Adelante Program in the public schools that provides support to homeless children and their families. We have donated warm coats, hand knitted scarves and food to the program.
The Santa Fe Branch is actively involved with the League of Women Voters to present public forums connected with the various elections. We also have an observance of Equal Pay Day in April to educate the public.
Every year the Santa Fe Branch of AAUW has programs and projects to add to our own education and to help out the community. Please join us.
AAUW SANTA FE Branch UNM Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Charlotte Arnold, Miss Jennifer Avery, Miss Ruth Barber, Miss Rachel Benfer, Miss Grace Bowman, Mrs. David Campa, Mrs. David Carmody, Miss Martha Cochran, Mrs. Charles Devendorf, Mrs. F. Geyer, Mrs. Carl Gilbert, Miss Rebecca Graham, Miss Hester Jones, Mrs. E. H. Kimmel, Miss Carrie King, Miss Eleanor King, Mrs. Victor Kleven, Mrs. Fred A. Koch, Mrs. Donald McKay, Mrs. B. De V. Merchant, Miss Cathryn Parker, Mrs. E. R. Paul, , Mrs. James Scott, Miss Helen Siprelle, Mrs. Stanley Stubbs and Mrs. Joseph Vernon.
1933-35 Rebecca Graham 1935-37 Frances Carey 1937-40 Ursula Sly 1940-44 Harriet P. Kidder 1944 Josephine Howard 1944-46 Marie Ely 1946-48 Cathryn Parker 1948-50 Beatrice Chauvene 1950-52 Helmi Thompson 1952-53 Julia Saxton 1953-54 Katherine Stevens 1954-55 Phebe Harris 1956-58 Hazelbel Via 1958-59 Jane Bill 1959-61 Mary Ruoff 1963-65 Mary Pauline Smith 1965-66 Gloria Duran 1966-67 Mary Ruoff 1967-69 Maurine Jones 1969-71 Betty Moloney 1971-73 Judy Brito 1973-75 Betty Montoya 1975-77 Joyce Weitzel 1977 Janice Wallis |
1977-79 Oriol Grand-Girard 1979-81 Margaret R. Hinck 1981-83 Anne Anderson 1983-85 Carol Schwendimann 1985-87 Mary H. Crane 1987-89 Florenceruth Brown 1989-91 Norma Lee Schmidt 1991-93 Karen Watkins 1993-97 Sherry Sandlin 1997-99 Mary Beth Kingston 1997-99 Mary K. Pierson 1999-2001 Enid E. Tidwell/Judy Lear 2001-2002 Donna Walker 2001-2002 Kris Alilunas Rodgers 2002-2003 Donna Walker 2003-2004 Council Governance 2004-2005 Mary Grathwol/Shelley Nolde 2005-2008 Shelley (Nolde) Rossbach 2008-2009 Shelley (Nolde) Rossbach/Sandra Bradley 2009-2011 Sandra Bradley/Judy Kares 2011-2012 Enid Tidwell/Julie Vollmer 2012-2013 Enid Tidwell/Julie Vollmer 2013-2015 Jeanne Patrick 2015-2017 Jeanne Patrick/Lina Germann 2017-2019 Lynn Heffron 2019-2021 Louise Yakey/Jeanne Patrick2021-2023 Anne May |